Sunday, April 22, 2012

Review of SatelliteDirect

Summer is just around the corner. I will be taking a vacation, for a month or two, in more isolated place. A small village, with only three streets, but surrounded by lakes on 3 sides. Beautiful place, am very excited to go back! It’s also the people that make it so nice.

Regardless, I will stay in an old motel that’s now used as housing by summer interns and employees. A studio, not very fancy but does the trick. Besides it’s the opening the door and walking on the beach that I’m looking forward to. 

I have internet and a TV in the room which only has 10 channels. And again, although I’m going to this place to relax, and live simple for a while, I still have shows/events I’d like to watch. I want to watch American Idol, House, Modern Family, and the Summer Olympics among others! And what I’ll do is turn on my laptop, and watch those shows online live and free! 

It was on my last trip to this place that I first heard of SatelliteDirect. I didn’t do much research on it; I really liked how it was presented but most importantly the price!! Because the price was so amazing, I honestly didn’t think it would be good, but decided I would be a fool not to at least try it.
So I bought it, it greatly exceeded expectations…keep in mind I was very skeptical before buying it, so I was blown away at the quality for the price!! I expected a trap, to get another bill next month, or something! But no, SatelliteDirect is the smartest choice I’ve made in terms of TV cable! 

With a one-time fee, for less than I used to pay for my monthly cable bill, I had access to more channels, great quality, and always on (as long as the internet’s on)!   

Now I do have a TV and have had cable for almost the last year. I like the comfort of lying down with the remote control, and surfing through the channels. TV is meant for watching television you know? I like watching a movie, sporting event or something else on my laptop once in a while, but I’d still prefer the TV. I prefer my laptop for internet, TV for watching TV…

However, for times like this summer when I’ll be far away from cable, I am so very thankful I have SatelliteDirect! Because it’s already paid for! I just turn it on, find the channel I’m looking for, and enjoy! I also love the diversity! I watch news around the world, films in different languages, shows etc. 

So, if you’re in a position where you can’t get TV/cable at the moment, whether due to financial problems, don’t know how long you’ll be there…but have internet, do yourself a favor and give SatelliteDirect a try! You will be able to watch over 3,500 channels for years to come for a one-time payment that’s less than the average monthly cable bill! 

It will help me keep track of House, Modern Family, but especially the Summer Olympics!

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